Margaret Brooke
Professional Property Services Group
In partnership with the Bank of America Charitable Foundation, ULI Hong Kong has embarked on a year-long initiative to identify, improve, and activate underutilised urban spaces in Hong Kong. Through mapping, research, and case studies, the project aims to exemplify the possibilities of enhancing small open spaces for sustainability and social wellness in a high-density city facing space challenges. This can only be achieved through collaboration with the public and private sectors.
Thanks to the support from the Bank of Americas, ULI members, and various community groups, we have made some good progress. The year-one deliverables allow us to set a foundation to further our efforts in greening and activating underutilised urban open spaces in Hong Kong.
Making Space for Parks: A Toolkit for Hong Kong is a comprehensive publication that aims to help communities and public- and private-sector owners implement strategies to create and activate parks. It also includes best practices on maintenance and operations, and various types of funding models for pocket parks.
This is an exciting opportunity for members to engage with this impact initiative. You can take part in mapping, the technical assistance panel workshops, fundraising, and public engagement campaigns.
To get involved, please email [email protected]
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